Project Results 
Myanmar Relief Fund
Project Dates:
August 2024 - January 2025
Displaced religious minorities
Project Goal:
Project Overview 

The Need:

Myanmar (formerly Burma) had a military coup in February 2021. The instability following the coup in Myanmar displaced more than 2.8 million people and left more than 18 million people in dire need of humanitarian aid. In addition to this crisis, the predominantly Christian populations in states like Kareni are facing direct persecution from the state military who are using landmines to control the civilian population. In 2023 alone there were 10,052 casualties, and this threat continues to prevent people from accessing their towns, cities, fields and churches (which are specifically targeted).

The Solution:

Training and education will provided through community engagement to raise awareness. Israeli experts in de-mining will map out and assess the landmine zones. After identifying high risk areas landmines will be removed, enabling Christian communities to return to their churches and regain their livelihoods.

Project Details 
Project Plan

De-mining Project 2024

The goal of this project is to remove land mines contaminating the Karreni State. Right now, people are living in fear and danger of dying or being seriously wounded by land mines which are indiscriminately placed throughout the state. Removing mines will restore safety to the area, saving more innocent lives from being tragically lost, and enable people to worship freely, and rebuild their livelihoods.  

Delivering this project involves three stages. The first stage begins with assessing the situation on the ground and raising awareness of the problem through sharing educational materials and community engagement. In the second stage, the volunteer team will gather data for mapping out and identifying the high-risk areas. In the last stage of delivery, Shai Fund will partner with international experts and local community groups to de-mine the land.

Everyday innocent civilians are killed or maimed stepping on mines. Once the mines are removed, the people in the region will be free from fear, finally able to return to their homes, their livelihoods, where they can continue raising their families.

Project History

Aid Project 2021

The military coup in February 2021 combined with Covid-19 pushed Myanmar to the brink of disaster. The mass displacement and destruction created a humanitarian crisis.

The project provided nutritional support for 2304 beneficiaries from the displaced families living in 12 IDP (internally displaced persons) camps and 2 churches as a result of the military crackdown. 234 students received education support such as tuition fees/monthly school fees, uniforms, learning materials, ferry charges, vocational training, etc.

Displaced children from 250 Households in IDP camps and 2 churches as they are being displaced. 74 children of pastors who died from Covid19 due to collapse of health care systems in the aftermath of the violent military coup. In total, 1,769 Children supported with food aid and 12 Teachers were given educational materials

What Your Investment Will Do:

Your investment will raise community awareness and support landmine removal in Kayah (Karreni) State, allowing displaced Christians to safely return to their churches, homes, and livelihoods.

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