Help Shai Fund print and distribute 20,000 Bibles to Christian families living in Iraq.
Until now, the New Testament in Western Aramaic only existed in limited numbers and only in churches. Through your support, we can now print copies on a large scale and make it possible for Christian families to have a Bible at home.
This project will create and distribute the following:
- 5,000 copies of the first-ever modern translation of the Old Testament into spoken Eastern Aramaic (Chaldean dialect)
- 3,000 copies of the first-ever modern translation of the New Testament into spoken Eastern Aramaic (Assyrian dialect)
- 12,000 copies of the first-ever modern translation of the New Testament into spoken Western-Aramaic (Urhoyo dialect)
Having a Bible at home encourages and empowers these families to live out their faith and purpose in a region where Christianity has existed for 2,000 years.
Give the gift of at-home Bibles to Christian families in Iraq by donating today.